It’s on the Call sheet!

It’s time to talk about the big kahuna of shoot day success. No, no, I don’t mean the director. Nah, I don’t mean the script. No! – not even the storyboard. I’m talking about the call sheet! Yes, the bad boy that lays out all the important deets like the schedule, weather forecast, parking instructions, and more.  Sure, making the call sheet is easy, but getting people to actually read it? That’s a whole different story. And ignoring the details listed on the call sheet may start many fires that can potentially derail the project.

On bigger productions, it’s usually the assistant directors who take care of this business, but on smaller shoots, it’s up to the captain of the ship to create and distribute it – whether that’s the producer or the creative director… depends on the project really.

So if it happens, and you’re the person responsible to make a call sheet – get ready to soar to call sheet greatness with these 6 uber cool tips that will help you not only include the most important info in your call sheet, but also inspire your crew to read it!

Add contact information!

MOVIE: Taken (2008)

Remember, the call sheet must contain contact information for key figures involved in a shoot, which typically include the producers, director, and assistant directors. These must typically be separated from the rest of the cast and crew and located near the top of the page or  in a distinct section. Basically, think – who are the people that should be bugged the most during the shoot? Well, those people – give out their contact information in a big and bold font and watch them suffer.

It’s also important to include all relevant crew members on the call sheet  – especially their phone numbers as most communication on set happens via walkie talkies and phones. Can’t tell you how many times cast and crew vanished from set so it’s useful to have their contact information handy. Still can’t find them? Send out a search party. No sign of them? Call 911 and file a missing person’s report? 🤷

Include General Crew Call & Individual Call Times

BTS: Life’s Rewards

It is important to give crew call times on a call sheet because it allows the cast and crew to know when they are expected to be on set and to prepare accordingly. Trust me, you could tell them 25 times and they will still be confused. So make sure to post it on your call sheet.

And please, please aim to send out your call sheets at least 12 hours before the shoot.  This will help ensure that everyone arrives on time, is properly prepared for the day, and that the production runs smoothly. Having accurate and clear call times helps prevent delays and increases efficiency on set.

Add the Shooting schedule


Let’s not forget the schedule! After all, it’s the blueprint for the day and without it, the cast and crew wouldn’t know where they’re headed or what to expect… which is plain silly.

The scene description section is where the magic happens! Let everyone know which scene they’ll be shooting. Don’t forget to add the cast members that will be gracing you with their presence, and let them know whether it’ll be a bright and sunny day (D) or a mysterious and moody night (N).

Oh, and the company moves! If the shoot day is all in one place, it’s like a taste of ambrosia for producers. But yea, sometimes the crew has to pack up and move to another location, so it’s good to give them a heads up. This way, they can plan ahead and avoid any hiccups.

Include shooting details and all that jazz

BTS: Life’s Rewards

Be sure to include the day’s location, parking, weather, and nearest hospital up at the top.

Set location(s): You really don’t want your camera operator to call you from the wrong place. Make sure to add addresses and location maps to your call sheet.

Parking: It’s every producer’s nightmare. Not the actual parking planning – but their phone catching fire a few seconds before call time when one after the other crew member calls them to ask where they can park. So add parking instructions to the call sheet. Actually, zoom in on the map, screenshot the hell out of it, and draw the parking areas on it with bright red ink. People will still be calling you but at least, you’ve tried. Plus, gives you reason to yell at them: “It’s on the F&%$£ call sheet!!!”

Weather: Reassure them it won’t be raining on the day of the shoot. Add a little icon of a smiling sun to your call sheet too. And if it rains? Oh well… Weather contingency will be another newsletter…

Nearest hospital: The hospital info must be listed at the top of your call sheet too. Because, say apocalypse happens, and all smart phones stop working, and a badass demon punches one of your crew members – wouldn’t you want them to know where the nearest emergency room is?

Inspirational Quote

BTS: Life’s Rewards

Adding an inspirational quote to a call sheet can help set the tone for the day and inspire the cast and crew. Quotes can provide motivation, positivity, and a reminder of your team’s shared goals. They can also foster a sense of unity and encourage teamwork among the crew. Ensure the success of the production with one of the following quotes (or add your own at your own risk):

  • I’m sick of following my dreams, man. I’m just going to ask where they’re going and hook up with ’em later.
  • My mother always used to say: The older you get, the better you get, unless you’re a banana.
  • Gentlemen, you can’t fight in here. This is the war room.

Add a Riddle to your Call sheet


We can’t stress how important it is for your production to make sure your team has read the call sheet. This can help everyone be on the same page and aware of the schedule, goals, and requirements for the day, reducing the likelihood of misunderstandings or miscommunications on set.

How do you make sure though? We’ll always ask for them to confirm but how do you really know they’ve actually read it? Adding a riddle to a call sheet can serve as a quick way to check who has read it, as the answer to the riddle can be referenced in their receipt response.

SO make sure that everyone has taken the time to read the call sheet and is prepared for the shoot with one of the following riddles (or similar):

What tastes better than it smells?

👅 A Tongue.

What kind of room has no doors or windows?

🍄 A Mushroom.

What goes up and never comes down?

👶 Your Age.

So there it is. If your team still ignores your call sheet, you’d need to resort to more hardcore solutions such as tattooing it on their chest, sticking it to a rock and throwing it through their window, or just tell them you wrote something about their mother on it – they’ll read it… don’t worry. They will…

Need more cool hacks and tips about filmmaking? Let us know in the comments or simply slide it in our DMs!

Article published on LinkedIn by BRAVEMAN Media | 2.17.23

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