The Secret Sauce for SEO: Video Content (it’s spicy!)

Wondering why Video Content rules the SEO game in 2023? (Or probably wondering why there is a chicken on the cover. Well, it’s a cute chicken – let it brighten your Friday morning!)

Back to SEO! So video hooks your audience, reduces bounce rates, and earns you backlinks – all supercharging your website’s search engine visibility. But how do you ride this video surf and score big, you ask?

Well, read on to find out… (plus there is a sexy surprise for you at the end)

Benefits of Video Content for SEO 🚀

Video content is a dynamic and engaging tool that transforms how we consume info. It’s not just a trend – it’s an SEO powerhouse. If you’re not using high-quality video, you’re missing out on tons of organic traffic.

Here’s why:

💫 Video Engages like no other medium: Captivate your audience, keep ’em glued, and boost UX (User Experience). That’s pure gold for SEO.

💫 Google loves Backlinks: A kickass video attracts backlinks from the cool web kids. Cha-ching!💰

💫 Sales & Conversions Soar: Videos guide people to action! Demos, testimonials with strong CTAs – you name it, they buy it!

💫 Google’s favorite child: No one really knows how Google’s algorithm works but one thing’s for sure… Google loves video, it’s like sending flowers on Valentine’s Day.

💫Stand out from the Crowd: In this wild digital race, it helps to have really snazzy sneakers.

💫 Evergreen Magic: Video keeps giving, just like grandma’s cookies. It drives traffic and backlinks for years, even as algorithms evolve. Note: Grandma’s cookies should be eaten within 24 hours.

💫 Social Media: Shareable videos rock the social scene! With YouTube and Instagram on board, you’ll conquer the whole internet!

💫 Mobile First: People enjoy watching videos on their phone – a huge win for mobile SEO. Your audience will love you on the go!

How Much Do Videos Improve SEO? 📊

Tons! The stats speak loud and clear:

💻 83% of marketers swear by video SEO tools to boost their search engine game. (MarketSplash)

💻 Bounce rates can drop by 45% with optimized videos. (MarketSplash)

💻 Social media shares explode with video! (HubSpot)

💻 People spend 19 hours a week glued to online videos! (Statista)

💻 In the U.S., 85% of internet users indulge in online video content every month. (Gitnux)

Optimizing Video Content for SEO 🏆

Keywords: Sprinkle relevant keywords in your video titles, tags, and descriptions. Show the search engines what you got!

Top-notch Hosting: Quality matters. Serve your best videos on your website to win more backlinks.

Transcripts for Everyone: Include transcripts for easy access and SEO love. Winner, winner, chicken dinner.

Mark it Up: Video schema markup helps search engines understand the content of your video. This can be done by modifying the meta data with additional JSON-LD (a method of encoding linked data using JSON).

Get in the Video Game! 🎥

Ready to rock the SEO scene with video? Here are some ideas:

🎤 Interview cool cats in your industry or your team. Conduct interviews with industry experts, influencers, or team members and share them on your site.

🎥Demo Videos: Show off your products or services through demo videos.

📚 Share wisdom with tutorials that make people say, Provide valuable information to your audience through tutorial videos.

🌐 Host webinars on relevant topics and share the recordings on your site.

❓ Answer burning questions with Q&A videos. Try to address common questions or concerns and be helpful.

🎨 Spice things up with animated videos. Animations are a simple and cost effective way to capture your audience, and demonstrate your brand – all without breaking the bank.

Super Sexy Chicken Close-Up

These were just some tips to rock the SEO world. Need some help? Contact BRAVEMAN Media if you want more advice, or even better, let’s shoot this sh*t together. 🌟

Article published on LinkedIn by BRAVEMAN Media | 7.21.23

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